Sunday, February 10, 2008

an integral week


Well, it's Sunday night, I should be reading, but instead am bloggin'. It's been long four days since my last entry full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and now the memories are have been stored in the banks of my mind.

Thursday was another day with the kids. Same routine -bused from the kindergarten to a farm an hour north of the city at 7:30AM. Last week I was uncomfortably cold, so I put lots of layers on and prepared thoroughly -probably a little to much in heinsight. The day was quite the contrast from the previous gloomy, windy, and sunless Thursday. Instead, the skies were clear, the sun was shining, and it was a pleasant walk along the coast. I'm sorry for the horrible weather the Midwest seems to be having this winter, but I have show you what you're missing...

I attempted to interact more with the kids, but the language barrier is proving harder than expected. On the way to and from the farm I busted out the notebook and a pen and generated some interest in that way, but their attention didn't last for too long. Oh well, I guess I'll just stick to pushing them on the rope swing, swinging them above and around my head, and being constantly bombarded by "leg-huggers". They hug your leg and don't let it go, so walking becomes a weight-lifting exercise. Actually, the whole thing makes your body sore the next day, it's better than going to the gym!

On Friday I was more tired than usual in all three of my classes and a series of things went wrong, including an embarrassing moment on the bus that dampered the mood of the day. The bus drivers here are either really nice, or incredibly mean. Also, you have to really know what you're doing on the bus in order to get on. Take this for example...I hadn't noticed it before but you can only enter from the front of the bus. I was only going to take this bus for a very short distance (just across a canal) so I stayed at the front of the bus, standing. When the bus stopped I tried to exit from the front, the bus driver wore a puzzled but irritated face. I told him I didn't speak danish, and he said a few more things in danish eventually followed by a stern, "what are you doing?". I indicated that I wanted to get off, and reluctantly he opened the door. So moral of the story, if you're ever in Copenhagen, always get off the bus from the back unless you want to piss off the bus driver and embarrass yourself.

Anyways, my host mother and father went to Sweden this weekend to hang out at their flat that they have there. I opted out this time because Gitte told me that they'd probably be going sometime in April or May. I think seeing Sweden when the flowers are in bloom, and the weather is even warmer would be amazing. Instead I spent Friday evening in Nørrebro at a bar called Barcelona. They had two floors full of party-goers and a dance floor with two DJ's playing a standard House mix -nothing too exciting. Although I did break it down pretty hardcore. Saturday was spent sleeping until 1, followed by an expedition into town to meet up with a friend from school. We made our way to Christiania where we met a silly German guy who we became friends with. He had an interesting philosophy on life, and turned out to be a chef working in the biggest hotel in Germany -I forgot the name but it's somewhere in Munich.

I came home early, reheated some Lasagna -for some reason it's always better reheated- and went to bed. Today was spent reflecting on my practicum, reading some stuff for classes, and cutting my hair.

Doesn't get more danish than this (liver patte on rye bread)

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