Sunday, January 20, 2008


For all of you out there with a little Kevin on your mind, I hope this will calm your worries and answer your questions.

Yesterday I crossed the Atlantic for the first time in my life and arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark at about 1pm local time -7 time zones and a couple of thousands of miles away from home.

Gitte, my host mom, was waiting for me outside of the baggage claim and after a brief introduction, we drove to her house about 10 minutes away. The house is amazing, and my room is better than I could have imagined. It feels like I'm living in a log cabin decked out in Scandinavian furniture and lighting.

Once at the house, I promptly introduced myself to the dog, Nemo, an enormous Yellow Lab, and my host father, Søren who works in security at the airport. The day was a combination of unpacking and conversation amidst pastries and beer. Søren showed me the bike he built for me (!!!!!!!) and his newest hobby -building up a Mustang he bought from California.

Dinner was amazing -a pork roast smothered in thick gravy, potatoes and carrots in some mushroom cream sauce, and steamed broccoli. After dinner I really started to feel how tired I was, seeing that I'd been awake and traveling for 24 hours or so. I took a shower, climbed the ladder up to my bed, and fell asleep around 8pm. Now it's 6 in the morning, and I can't seem to sleep any longer, so i thought, "what better time than now to start the inevitable blog."

Today will be my first contact with the DIS staff and students. I'll figure out my class schedule, get a transportation pass, and for the first time of many to come, see the city of Copenhagen.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

KEVIN! That sounds so amazing man! What is your host family like?, seemed like they are pretty welcoming and your fitting in pretty well so far. Part that caught me the most (seemed like you too) is the bike! I cant even imagine being able to bike around in those surroundings, and where that must put you mentally. envy baby! hope to hear more from you soon

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,

This is Derek and I'm the friend of Trus's that she mentioned who used to live in Denmark and now lives in London. I studied at DIS twice and worked there for a bit as well. Feel free to write to me at anytime about Denmark and Copenhagen and, who knows, I might see you around as i visit Kbh once a quarter.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you sent this to me! The dream about work happened because we have missed you so! I enjoy the pictures and all of the commentary!Take care and look forward to more from Denmark! Wendy from Broders!