Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First week impressions

Wow, so I've been here for over a week now, although it feels like much longer because of all the new sights, sounds, and experiences. Some highlights of the weekend include the DIS welcome party at a club called LUX. It was crowded, loud, and full of drunkeness. The wall paper was especially interesting and comfortable (see picture). After the party we headed out to another bar that was equally crowded, but instead of blaring house techno they were playing crappy classic rock. After our group went their separate ways, I mistakenly took the bus going the wrong way. After quickly realizing this I got off and started walking. I don't know how long I walked but I was extremely confused, but it was alright -100% of the people on the streets were drunk. Eventually I made it back to city square, just in time to make the last bus at 3:40 AM. The only problem was it was about 3:10 AM. As I was waiting I was approached by a 31 year-old shoeless Danish woman, who, needless to say, was quite inebriated. She basically spilled her entire life story out to me while we waited, which helped pass the time. She also provided a unique form of entertainment when a scantily clad woman dressed in an extremely short mini-skirt was boarding a bus. As the woman was waiting to get on the bus, the shoeless Dane proceeded to lift the woman's skirt up exposing her buttocks ::bwahhhh (Hank Hill)::: They exchanged a few words in Danish and when I asked what she had said to justify her actions she replied, "I told her, 'if you're going to dress like a ho, you've got to expect these kind of things.'" Eventually the bus came, and after a sobering walk from Hvidvore Hospital back to my house I passed out -4:30 AM.

The next day was spent sleeping and recovering, and I finally got to meet my host mother and father's son Michael. He brought his cockerspaniel named Cooper over and it was a fun day filled with dogs and food (Nemo and Cooper in a play-fight).

Sunday was filled with sunshine and windlessness -a much needed break from the cold, wet, and downright shitty weather of the past week. I figured it would be a good day to start my biking adventures, so I biked into town with no specific plan. Once I got to City Square I decided to finally check out Christiania (Christianshavn). If you've never heard of it, it is a community founded in the 60's by a bunch of squatters. They refused to pay taxes, and practically abolished all money, instead focusing on the real human experience. If you want more info I'd suggest wikipedia-ing it. It is also notorious for the trafficking of drugs and it's abundance of public artwork in the form of graffiti. Unfortunately photos are banned so I only have my memory, a few photos that I snuck, and a sketch of a Jamaican spiritual healer who I met. It was definitely an experience to remember, and I feel like it won't be the last time I see Christiania while I'm here...

Once again, the week has started out with some pretty wild dreams. Last night I was flying in a giant snow-globe type vessel of some sort of jelly type substance. For a little while I was afraid to go to sleep because of the extreme emotional ups and downs of the types of dreams I've been having, but it seems like I'm becoming able to tame or cope with what's going on. Maybe it reflects the mix of emotions I felt at the beginning of this trip when I was thrown completely out of my comfort-zone, but now have finally started to get into a routine.

And for everyone back in the States, don't fuck up the election.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I enjoyed the latest entry! When you say we can't screw up the election tell me who you want to see in the white house? Wendy at broders